Pastor Alan J. Hodak – BIO
I was born in Phoenix, Arizona, and was raised Catholic, attending Catholic school up through the eighth grade. In my high school years, I walked away from the Catholic church and went on to secular high school and college. I graduated from Arizona State University with a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. It was my intention to become a police officer, but I decided to make a change in direction shortly after receiving my degree.
I had worked for a large grocery chain from age 14 and continued in produce management for several years after graduation. I learned much about running a business in those years and am so grateful for the on-the-job training I received. I also loved basketball and started coaching youth basketball, as a volunteer, for the downtown YMCA. My love for basketball propelled me to continue my education so that I could eventually work with kids.
In the meantime, we hired a young lady to start a floral department in our store. She was a Christian and was not shy about her faith. She began to share verses with me and we would often discuss things about the Bible. What impressed me was the fact that she knew countless verses by heart. As she shared, I would write some of the verses down. Later, I would look in my Catholic Bible at home to see if she knew what she was talking about. To my amazement, she did! In fact, I was so impressed at how many verses she knew by heart. Out of curiosity, I started to visit her church. Highland Bible Church was a church consisting of about 100 people. The men in the church latched onto me and made me their friend. These men would invite me to their men’s breakfast and we would talk and pray together. One of these men was a dynamic Sunday school teacher. His teaching was so convicting that I often wanted to get up and leave, but I didn’t. I was convicted of my sin and the truth that he would present. God had His Hand upon me and was gently bringing me to the place where I would realize my need for a Savior. In April of 1984, at the end of one of our pastor’s messages, I believed on Jesus Christ and accepted Him as my Savior. I finally came to the place where I realized that I must put my faith and trust in Christ alone for my salvation. From that point on, my life was never the same and many, many changes occurred.
One of the key changes that occurred was a career switch. I had continued taking education classes, finished my student teaching and began to actively look for a teaching position in the public school. Every place I would apply, there was a huge stack of applications for one position and I continued to come up empty. A friend at church suggested looking at some of the area Christian schools. One school, Western Christian School, was looking for a social studies teacher and a varsity basketball and baseball coach. My interview went well, but the principal stated that while he would love to hire me, he felt that I was a baby Christian and did not have the spiritual maturity necessary for a Christian school teacher. I continued looking for a teaching position with no success. One day, I was driving home and was heading north on Interstate 17 in Phoenix, when on the southbound side of the freeway a bus was broken down. As I passed by, I saw the name Western Christian School on the side. I took the next exit and pulled up behind the bus (before cell phones) and offered my help while identifying who I was. There were two classes of kindergartners on the bus and they were out of control. The teachers were beside themselves and didn’t know what to do, so I went to call for help and then came back to stay with them. As a result, the administrator called to thank me and invited me back for a second interview. I was hired and started my first Christian school teaching and coaching job.
I had no intent of staying in a profession that paid little and demanded so much, but the Lord used the first year to cause me to grow and depend upon Him. In addition to this, God used this experience to shape a strong philosophy of Christian education in my heart. We had our first daughter that year and received only about two-thirds of our pay as the school was floundering financially. The high school closed down at the end of the school year causing us to move on to another Christian school in the area.
For the past 37 years, we have been involved in Christian school education. Our five daughters have known no other form of schooling. I have taught many different classes from third through twelfth grades: secondary social studies, English, and Bible courses. I have been an administrator of several schools for the majority of that time. For the past 13 years, I have served as the school administrator and pastoral staff member at Fourth Baptist Church and Christian School in Plymouth, Minnesota. A number of years ago, I completed a Master’s of Ministry degree from Northland Baptist Bible College.
Additionally, I have served in churches while serving in Christian school ministry. I have served as an associate pastor, interim pastor, filled pulpit at many churches, taught in Sunday school, served as an elder, and headed up a parenting and evangelism ministry.
My wife, Allyson, has served alongside of me, as a support and helper, Sunday school teacher, elementary chapel speaker, hot lunch coordinator, and in music ministry at various churches we have served in.
We have five daughters ranging from ages 21-35 and thirteen grandchildren. Our youngest daughter is a junior at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA.
In recent years, it became clear that God was calling us to pastoral ministry and the Lord led us to Maywood Community Church. We are thrilled with our new church home and support of our people.
~Pastor Alan