Church Announcements

Gift Card Shower

In April, we are having a Gift Card Shower for Maddie Hodak. There will be a basket at the coffee area to put the gift cards in. We are asking for Walmart, Amazon, Visa, or gift cards that can be used anywhere. Since Maddie and Jake are not local, local gift cards would be hard for them to use. The shower will last the entire month of April. If you have any questions, please see                    Joyce Cunningham.

Easter Egg Hunt

Our Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, April 19th at10 am. It is for ages 0-12. We need volunteers to help fill eggs, “hide” eggs, and to donate money for the candy. If you’d like to donate money to purchase candy, please note that on a giving envelope or in the memo of your check. If you’d like to help fill eggs, there will be bags of eggs with candy on the south pews next week. You can take a bag and bring it back the following week with the eggs filled. If you’d like to help “hide” the eggs on the day of the hunt, please put your name on the sign-up sheet in the coffee area. Any questions, please see Meghan.

For those who will not be attending the worship services in person, we will be still be having our service available to watch online, here on our website along with on YouTube, Facebook, and Vimeo.
We appreciate all of your support.